Basic Electronic Signatures
Do you need to accept a delivery package? Check a digital box on a desktop screen? Scan a manually signed document? Then the basic electronic signature will suffice. This may either be a signature that’s manually put on a desktop screen (after which it’s digitally saved) or a click on an ‘I accept’ button.
Generally, this type of signature is mainly used in lower-value processes, as there is no foolproof way to confirm the identity of the signer. If someone would copy another person’s signature and put it on the document, it would be difficult to prove (or even discover) that. Using the basic electronic signature in legally valid documents could obviously pose an issue, depending on the process in place. Therefore, a signature on insurance, financial, or real estate documents, for example, should meet stricter requirements so it can be connected to the signer with (more) certainty.
According to eIDAS, at the basic level, an electronic signature can be defined as:
“Data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory to sign.”
Taking this definition literally, you can sign a document simply by scanning your signature or ticking a box in a document opened on your device of choice. Technically, the data is in electronic form and attached to a file, but there are problems with this model which eIDAS is trying to address.
As you might already have guessed, this isn’t covering the purpose of signing a document at all. The document can still be tampered with, and a “signature” can easily be forged (i.e., we cannot be sure who ticked the box to confirm the terms and conditions were accepted). Simply put: Neither integrity nor authenticity of the document are guaranteed.